Monday 20 February 2017

Run your wifi router without electricity by a rechargeable inverter:

This is an easy circuit which will operate your wifi router when the power goes of just like a UPS u can easily charge it and run your wifi router by it.

the circuit consist of two parts the first one is called the charging part and the other one is obviously discharging part but before that:


All you got a need for this circuit is:
  1. Batteries
  2. Wires
  3. Boost Controller
  4. Leds
  5. Switch
  6. Diode
  7. USB cable
  8. 9v Adapter output pin

How does it works:

well i have been using a dry cell battery of 4v and 1.2AH later on i have combined two batteries parallel so that it could increase the wattage i have used boost controller to increase the voltage from 4v to 9v as my wifi router works on 9v.

The output pin has many different sizes so it depends on router which one it needs 

The boost controller has input terminals on which i will give the 4v coming from the battery and the other one is the output terminal from which you will take your output 9v. Remember Boost controller is a variable device so you have to calibrate it first on the voltage of your desire as mine was 9v.


Circuit Diagram:

Part 1: Charging Circuit

you can use normal charger of your cellphone i was simply using my samsung charger 5v and 1A it was working fine with it there is nothing hard and fast here.

Part 2: Discharging circuit:

The 4v is coming from the battery and end of the circuit will be connected to your output adapter pin and in the mid its the boost controller (i was unable to get one on multisim) so i made it like that.

How does it looks like:

Its simple and easy circuit by which you can run your wifi router easily.


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